The European series of programs crossing borders and cultures are organized by the EUGEO (an organization colligating the European geographic societies) in the evening on the 9th April 2021. Due to the proposal of the French member organization (Comité National Français de Géographie, CNFG) the ‘sunset’ is the motto of the program for this year.
Hungarian participation
The Hungarian Geographical Society (Magyar Földrajzi Társaság, MFT) organizes and coordinates the national programs. Different events under the frame of the Night of Geography 2021 are going to be organized in altogether 16 Hungarian locations (among them 12 from the countryside and 4 from Budapest):
Földtudományi és Turizmus Tanszék, II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola
Geo Department, Corvinus University of Budapest
Gloriett Primary School of Sports
Library, Hungarian Geographical Society
The Budapest Inner-city Main Parish Church of the Assumption
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Földtudományi Intézet, Debreceni Egyetem
Hungarian Geographical Museum
Török Ignác Gimnázium, Gödöllő
Cultural Center of Ferenc Kállai
Gábor Bethlen Primary School and Library of Hajdúböszörmény
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Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Miskolc
Turizmus és Földrajztudományi Intézet, Nyíregyházi Egyetem
Szent Gellért Általános Iskola
Földrajzi és Földtudományi Intézet, Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Szeged Division, Hungarian Geographical Society
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West-Hungarian Division, Hungarian Geographical Society
private organization, online quiz
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All enquirers are gladly welcomed! :)
The second edition of 2018: the initiative expands to the European scale
The Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, EUGEO (an organization colligating the European geographic societies) supports the initiative of the Night of Geography promoted by the Comité National Français de Géographie, and in 2018 invites all its members to disseminate information and share news on the events that take place in their respective countries. The European series of programs crossing borders and cultures are organized by the EUGEO this year.
The Night of Geography 2018 take place on Friday, in the evening on the 6th April 2018. Due to the proposal of the French member organization the ‘sunset’ is the motto of the program for this year. Futher information about the 2018 edition:
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General organization
The French National Geographical Committee has initiated and promotes the Night of Geography at the European scale, but the spirit is that all events should be organized in a decentralized manner, from a logistic and a financiary standpoint. The goal is to put forward the creativity of local initiative and the variety of persons, institutions, associations, that can feel concerned and would like to participate.
There is no numerical goal to be reached. Local organizers can set up just a small geographical café or a short thematic walk through the city, or put together a larger event involving many scientific interventions. A small international organizing committee is set up to coordinate some actions, give pieces of advice, communicate about the events; but mostly the job is done by the local organizers, in order to keep things simple!
the European Participant countries and events

This is the map of the events of the Night of Geography 2018 (click on the map to see the real OpenStreetMap).
Credits: Association Géomactif du Master GAEUR (Géomatique appliquée aux études urbaines et aux risques) - Université de Cergy Pontoise.
This page is dedicated to collect links to informative pages as there will be communicated. The homepages of the member geographic societies or other institution participant countries for the 2018 initiative:
Hungarian participation
The Hungarian Geographical Society (Magyar Földrajzi Társaság, MFT) organizes and coordinates the national programs. Different events under the frame of the Night of Geography 2018 are going to be organized in altogether 14 Hungarian locations (among them 10 from the countryside and 4 from Budapest):
Prohászka Ottokár Catholic High School, Budakeszi
Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Eszterházy Károly University
Gyöngyösi Campus, Eszterházy Károly University
Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Miskolc
Mosque of Pasha Yakovali Hassan
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Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Szeged
Savaria Department of Geography, Eötvös Loránd University
private organization, online quiz
Kuny Domonkos Museum
Tiszazug Museum of Geography
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Geo Institute, Corvinus University of Budapest
Geodesy Senior Hikers, Budapest
Gloriett Primary School of Sports
The Budapest Inner-city Main Parish Church of the Assumption
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All enquirers are gladly welcomed! :)